Mission Statement
We are to support the senior Pastor and the vision of the church (CLC). Serve in an advisory role to the senior Pastor. This ministry should continually pray for wisdom and protection for/of the Pastor and the church. Praying for trust, unity and for the mission and vision to be fulfilled. This team is to seek discernment of God’s will and for faith and obedience to follow. Steward the financial resources at CLC accordance with scripture (2corithian 8:18-21). Achieve and maintain the financial well-being of the church and establish and monitor funding strategy and plan.
We will keep accurate records of all incoming and outgoing funds. By doing this we will be able to build God’s kingdoms through the proper managements of his funds.
Responsibility of Leader
The finance ministry is responsible for CLC finance systems. Recording and managing all incoming and outgoing funds, expenditures, church budget, disbursement of checks, paying monthly bills, recording member’s tithing, general offering, preparing member’s yearly statements, supplying accountants with quarterly financial reports, and tax preparations, supplying accountants with quarterly financial reports and tax preparations. The finance ministry leader is also responsible for creating and monitoring policy guidelines, safeguarding financial systems and information, reviewing the church’s financial reports, and initiating and responding to financial reviews and audits. The finance ministry must be spirit-led, a good steward, and conscience over CLC’s finances. The leader is responsible to the senior Pastor for spiritual oversight, direction, and approval.
This ministry should always do what God wants, not man.
Event Planning Request Form
Add an attachment sheet for any additional cost. You must have receipts for all expenditures for church funds or reimbursements for personal funds. Please turn in the accounting of expenses and profits of your event for church records.