Mission Statement
The Women’s Ministry of CLC exists by the grace of God to be women who carry out the overall mission of Christian Life Church. We do this by encouraging women into a new relationship with Jesus Christ (witnessing) a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ (discipling), a loving relationship with each other (fellowship) and co-laboring relationships for the Kingdom (outreach). Simply put we love the Lord, His people, and His agenda! “Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.” (Romans 13:8).
Responsibility of Leader
The leader of the Women’s ministry is charged with coming alongside the women in the church to encourage a dedication to the pre-eminence of God’s Word. Whether the women be studying, praying, serving or fellowshipping this focus should be maintained. The leader of the Women’s ministry is committed to seeing all women become true worshipers who worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth. The women’s ministry leader reports to the elders and Senior Pastor for oversight.