Mission Statement
Our Mission as men of CLC is to live according to the written word of God ( Joshua 1:8 ) This book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and you will have good success.
We will strive to let our light shine before the world that they may see our good words. We will live in fellowship with each other, being of one mind and being on one accord showing love as brothers in Christ. We will assemble ourselves regularly for teaching, learning and exhorting one another, and encouraging each other for the blessed hope that we all have in Christ Jesus.
Responsibility of Leader
To provide leadership to the men of CLC by providing clear decisive biblical teaching, direction, and counseling. The leader is responsible for establishing learning requirements, setting up workshops, seminars and coordinating events relating to the needs and various life lessons needed by the men of CLC.
The leader’s overall responsibility is to be a vessel used by God to challenge, encourage, and stimulate the men toward living holy before God and man. The leader is also responsible for the Pastoral oversight in communicating changes, ideas, policies, procedures, direction, and plans and receiving spiritual oversight approvals.